Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vinyl and canvas art on the bathroom wall

Last summer, I stripped the wallpaper in our half bath.  I got the small room repainted by Labor Day and decorated with towels and hand soap dispenser.  I had in mind what I wanted to do on the walls, but didn't execute it until February.  I created all the wall art myself and love the 3-D effect.  The swirls are cut from brown vinyl and designed by welding, inverting and enlarging the same swirl images in the Cricut Craft Room.  I then cut a second set of the swirls to go on the canvas pictures I had created so it appears that the swirl lays over the pictures.  It only took another 5 months after that to get the images uploaded to the blog.  Geesh!
So much crafting, so little time!  Hope this post inspires you to find new places to use your cricut and vinyl!