I've been very busy the last few months with my scrapbooking. I wanted to share the original cover I created for the scrapbook album of our cruise to the Bahamas this summer. I am proud to say that only 14 weeks after our marvelous trip, the album is all scrapped! It's quite a large album. I am guessing it has probably 100 pages to it! I have a fear that someday I will end up with Alzheimer's and forget about all these fabulous things that have made my life so rich. I suspect that when I am gone, many of these albums will be dumped on my kids. The family albums will be meaningful, but the personal albums - well, "not so much" to use a popular phrase.
For the album cover, I modge podged two pieces of cardboard that come with my page sleeves/protectors. Then, I started layering images from the brochures I collected during our trip. It doesn't meet the criteria for acid testing, but it is one personalized - and may I say, ROCKIN'! - album cover!!! I was even able to use leftover luggage tags! I used my Cricut to cut letters from vinyl for the names of the places we visited on our trip. I used 3-ring metal binders for the spine/binding. I had to upgrade to a larger size ring as I kept adding more pages! In hindsight, I should have re-enforced the holes better as I have one top hole on the back (the middle picture above) that is pulling through. Nothing that a little more modge podge can't fix, though!
I have been doing other crafting as well. I hope to get posts up of that soon. I also taught both my daughters how to sew this summer and am working on birthday and Christmas sewing projects too. Hence, the blog becomes the least of my concerns. Thanks for looking!